Painted Peg People
I started making peg people way back in 2009. Doctor Who and Back to the Future pegs to start with, then a few characters from musicals as good luck presents for opening nights. Friends and family seemed to really like them, so I decided to open up an Etsy shop and just see what happened.

I didn’t sell ANYTHING for the first year! But, at some point, my pegs started to get noticed and my shop grew. My peg people were featured in places like BBC America, Entertainment Weekly, Wired, SFX, SlashFilm, Shortlist, Thrillist, Stylist, and the Etsy blog.

Each peg was made to order and I had a big catalogue of standard characters that I regularly made, as well as doing tons of custom work, like wedding cake toppers.

In 2013, I got married and moved to Canada. It was a busy year and I was burning out trying to keep up with orders, so I decided to shut down peg production until things were more settled.
But then I rediscovered cross stitching…